Water Lilies 300mm Flora Tondo
Acrylic, gold leaf and resin on board
Rebecca Barclay-Clist, the artist behind Flora Tondo is mostly drawn to strong colour, deliberate marks and defined form. Blooms that reminded her of family, friends and occasions is where her interest in the flower began.
Four years ago, her first flora tondos were painted and included in her exhibition called ‘Intricacies and Intimacies’. She explains, “They were symbolic of women, both friends and family and significant moments where flora was used to delight in, celebrate or sympathise with”.
Flowers can be symbolic, used as a metaphor or simply there to enjoy. They are glorious and have the ability to lead us away with their delicate shapes, textures and perfumes. Rebecca says, “these have always added much needed positivity and moments of beauty in my life and that’s why I love painting them”.